Words Ending with ION – English Pronunciation

Words Ending with ION In this English Video lesson by special request Ronnie is explaining the way of pronunciation of words with ION ending. Learn how to pronounce the word PRONUNCIATION)).

The pronunciation of the “-ion” ending is actually “shin”. That’s the weirdie of English.

In the following examples of the words with the “-ion” ending the clue to a right pronunciation is given in parenthesis.


destination (arrival point) [des-tin-a-shin]

presentation [prez-zin-ta-shin]

population [pop-u-lay-shin]

education [ed-ju-ka-shin]

mission [mi-shin]

session [sa-shin]

action [ack-shin]

nation [nay-shin]


So how would you pronounce the word “pronunciation”?

That’s right! [pro-nan-si-yai-shin]