English numbers from 13 to 20 with transcription and pronunciation

English numbers from 0 to 12 English numerals from 13 to 20 with transcription and pronunciation. English numbers are pronounced upon clicking.

Counting numbers from 13 to 20

Numbers from 13 to 20 are formed by adding a suffix -teen. For example four + teen = fourteen

Number English name Transcription
13 thirteen [θə:’ti:n]
14 fourteen [,fɔ:’ti:n]
15 fifteen [,fif’ti:n]
16 sixteen [,sik’sti:n]
17 seventeen [,sev(ə)n’ti:n]
18 eighteen [,ei’ti:n]
19 nineteen [,nain’ti:n]
20 twenty [‘twenti]

Exceptions (the root is changing when adding the suffix teen):

three – thirteen
five – fifteen

When number eighteen is formed by adding a suffix teen, -t drops down from the root.

eight + teen = eighteen

You can listen to the numbers song upon clicking Song Demo.

When you click on the image the English number is pronounced.