English alphabet with transcription – vowels and consonants

English alphabet with transcription English alphabet with transcription for children – vowels and consonants.

Uppercase and lowercase letters.

There are 26 letters in English: 20 consonants and 6 vowels.

Alphabet with transcription:

A a [ei]

B b [bi:]

C c [ci:]

D d [di:]

E e [i:]

F f [ef]

G g [ʤi:]

H h [eiʧ]

I i [ai]

J j [ʤei]

K k [kei]

L l [el]

M m [em]

N n [en]

O o [ou]

P p [pi:]

Q q [kju:]

R r [a:]

S s [es]

T t [ti:]

U u [ju:]

V v [vi:]

W w [‘dablju:]

X x [eks]

Y y [wai]

Z z [zed]