Fractional Numerals in English

Fractional Numerals in EnglishThe use of simple fractions, decimals and mixed numbers with examples.

1. Common fractions in English are formed with the cardinal and ordinal numbers. The cardinal number is used for the numerator, and ordinal – for the denominator.

For example:

  • 1/9 – one ninth
  • 1/5 – one fifth
  • 1/6 – one sixth
  • 1/4 – one (a) quarter
  • 1/2 – one (a) half

It is a quarter to nine.
I came home at half past twelve.

2. If the numerator is more than 1, the denominator takes the plural form:

For example:

  • 3 / 5 – three fifths
  • 4 / 7 – four sevenths
  • 6 / 9 – six ninths

3. Numbers more than 1 with fractions are read as follows:

5  2/7 – five and two seventh

4. Decimal fractions are read as follows:

  • 6.44 – six point forty four
  • 0.35 – nought (zero) three five

5. If a fraction is followed by a noun, it is put in the singular form with the “of” preposition.

For example:

4 / 5 meter – four fifth of a meter

My sister bought four fifth of meter of cotton yesterday.

6. If a noun follows a mixed number, it is put in the plural form.

For example:

45 3 / 6 tons – forty five and three sixth tons

This country exports forty five and three sixth tons of opium annually.